Saturday, January 29, 2011

The McDonalds Logo - Review

With the phenomenon of ‘globalization’, companies have their eyes firmly fixed on global expansion. This expansion has caused the businesses to set up quality standards for proper branding and management of their products. That’s why the need to establish a proper and authentic trademark has never been so direly needed. A trademark is a guarantee of consistency and quality. It assures the customers that all the products bearing a specific trademark are of the same quality everywhere
in the world.

So when McDonalds expanded its business worldwide, it needed and employed a logo that ensured their continued value in the restaurant business. McDonalds Corporation has become synonymous with fast food and has become one of the largest chains of fast food restaurants in the world. The McDonalds logo has become a symbol of international business expansion and has been termed as ‘part of Americanization and American cultural imperialism' as it is closely identified with US. The famous Golden Arches in McDonalds logo represent style, significance and a strong corporate identity. 

It was created by Jim Schindler in 1962 and the idea was first introduced by Dick and Mac McDonald as arch shaped signs on the sides of their then ‘walk-up hamburger stand’. From an angle, those arches looked like the letter “M” and thus, were incorporated in the McDonalds logo as a merger of the two golden arches together. The “McDonald’s” name was later added to the McDonalds logo in 1968. While the physical arches were dropped out from all the restaurants’ building design, The Golden Arches have remained in the McDonalds logo, and have branded the company.

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The Best Logo In The World.